Our rides average


miles a year.


See our extensive list of public motorcycle rides and events. Attending meetings, rides and events earns points to get you more stars.

Note: times listed are strict leave times. Please arrive at least 15 minutes earlier so the road captain can inform you of any last minute changes. Also, be sure to arrive with a full tank of gas!

Sunday January 5, 9:00 am

Monthly Meeting: discuss latest club news and events

Approx. ride miles: n/a

Sunday March 3, 9:00 am

Monthly Meeting: Discuss latest club news and events.

Approx. ride miles: n/a

Sunday April 14, 9:00 am

Calico Café: There is always something to ride home about when you visit the Café. Breakfast or lunch — you can't go wrong.

Approx. ride miles: 140

Saturday May 4, 9:00 am

Christian Riders - Run for the Son: The Cruisers help the CMA touch millions of souls with the Good News of Jesus Christ through the efforts of Run for the Son. You too can make a difference!

Approx. ride miles: TBD

Sunday February 2, 9:00 am

Monthly Meeting: Discuss latest club news and events.


Approx. ride miles: n/a

Saturday March 30, 11:00 am

Fix a Bike Day: Hamburgers, hot dogs, homemade fries — bring a dish to share. Let's install  your Christmas chrome or other small bike projects.


Meet point: Members Only

Approx. ride miles: n/a

RESCHEDULED: Saturday May 11, 8:00 am

Awareness Ride: Annual Ride for Motorcycle Awareness. We will meet at Denny's and ride to the starting point at Heritage Harley Davidson in Lisle.

Approx. ride miles: TBD

Sunday May 5, 9:00 am

Monthly Meeting & Brat Stop Ride: Discuss latest club news and events. The world famous Brat Stop is known for its bratwurst, beer, cheese and family friendly atmosphere.

Approx. ride miles: 120

Saturday February 15, 9:00 am

Progressive International Motorcycle Show: meet at 12:15 at the entrance stairs for a group photo, lunch at Brauhaus

Approx. ride miles: n/a

Sunday April 7, 9:00 am

Monthly Meeting: Discuss latest club news and events.

Approx. ride miles: TBD

Sunday April 28, 9:00 am

Bike Blessing and Lowden Ride: Bike blessing, then head out to Lowden State Park. Lunch stop at Sam’s Drive In in Byron. Then along the Rock River and back home.

Approx. ride miles: 140

Sunday May 19, 10:00 am

The Bunker Bar - Waterford, WI: Very neat place, with a lot of military paraphernalia inside and out. They get cute with the names of food to make them have military names.

Approx. ride miles: 115